UPSC APFC Result and Merit List has been declared by Union Public Service Commission. Those Candidates who have appeared in recruitment drive exam for filling up 170 posts of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner and now looking for UPSC APFC Result 2016.
To attain more additional info on UPSC APFC Result such as way to download the result, other important dates etc, candidates are required to go through this complete page that is well structured by team of
How to download UPSC APFC Result:
or getting the concerned result candidates are required to go through the following steps as mentioned below.
First of all visit official site of Union Public Service Commission that is
Go for “What’s New” section and hit “Result – 170 Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner” link on home page.
This will open a PDF file containing the roll numbers and name of selected contenders on your digital screen.
Now, search for your roll number and match your query & download the same on your desktop.
Lastly, get a hard copy of score card for future reference.
Union Public Service Commission is a commission that is nationally authorized and it conducts various exams to employ eligible candidates in government sector. UPSC is certified to conduct the Indian Forest Services, Combined Defence, Civil Services, Engineering, CMS, NA & NDA, IES/ISS, SCRA and Assistant Commandant Service’s examinations.
Purpose of Exam:
Main objective of commission for conducting this exam is to give employment to eligible contenders for filling up 170 posts of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in Employees Provident Fund Organization, Ministry of Labour and Employment.
Selection Process:
Assortment of aspirants for Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner will be purely based on their qualifying marks in written test followed by interview process.
Important Note:
All the provisionally shortlisted candidates will to undergo document verification with reference to their eligibility for mentioned post.
Candidates are required to send self attested photocopies of the certificates / documents along with a copy of your Online Recruitment Application (ORA) mentioning your name and Roll Number on each documents/certificates by Hand/ Speed Post at the address as mentioned below within 15 days to verify the eligibility for the said post.
List of documents that is to be send are as follows:
Matriculation/10th Standard or equivalent certificate
Degree certificate along with mark sheets pertaining to all the academic years.
Certificate(s) in the “prescribed proforma” from the Head(s) of Organization(s) /Department(s) for the entire experience claimed.
Caste certificate in the “prescribed proforma” in case of candidates seeking reservation.
Candidate claiming change in name after matriculation on marriage or remarriage or divorce etc.
Certificate in respect of Age relaxation.
Many others
Postal Address:
Under Secretary (SPC‐II),
Room No.16‐A (Main Building),
Dholphur House, UPSC, Shahjahan Road,
New Delhi‐110069
Note: You may check this Official Notification for getting your score card directly.